Lindsay Lab


I usually teach Data Literacy for Psychology (PSYCH-UA 8) in the Fall and Machine Learning for Climate Change (DS-UA 301) in the Spring. As of Spring 2025, I also teach (with Marcelo Mattar) a graduate course on neural network models of the mind and brain.

Course Materials

Machine Learning for Climate Change (Spring 2025)


Machine Learning for Climate Change (Spring 2024)

As of this semester, the course was redesigned to focus more on research papers. Because the course is currently ongoing, the Spring 2024 materials have been taken down and will be posted under the new semester as the course progresses. If you are an instructor interested in using the course materials for your own purposes, please just email me at and I will give you access to the materials.


Machine Learning for Climate Change (Spring 2023)

Syllabus. Course Overview/Introduction to Climate Science | The Problem of Climate Change | Energy Efficiency - Buildings and Cities | Energy Efficiency - Supply and Demand | Tracking GHG Emissions - Estimation Methods | Tracking GHG Emissions - Transportation | Food and Agriculture - Problems and Opportunities in Agriculture | Food and Agriculture - Food Packaging and Waste | Alternative Energy - Renewables | Carbon Dioxide Removal - Biological and Chemical | Midterm Review | Project Instructions | Influencing People/Climate Communication | Climate Finance | Career Day | Disaster Response | Health Impacts | Extreme Weather Prediction | Predicting Food Shortages | Automated Farming | Climate Migration